We’ve been running a bootstrapped startup for 1 year. Our top 15 takeaways

4 min readJan 14, 2021

What is the value of this article?

We are young, inexperienced, prone to fail: we’re 2 first time founders. I always prefer to learn from people who are just a few steps ahead of me.

Who is this article for?

If you’re a multi-time entrepreneur then you might not find this article interesting. If you’ve been thinking about starting your own startup then I’d recommend reading as many similar articles as possible.

Our Team

Artem (author of this article):

  • First-time founder
  • Technical with no CS degree
  • 24 years old
  • ~2 years of work experience (data-oriented job)
  • Quit the University after Masters 1 to get a job
  • Full-time since April 2020


  • pretty much the same as Artem

Our Product — News API

We provide instant access to news article data for hedge funds, market researchers, and PR software.

In simple words:

